(First off.. if you leave, my friend, I will miss you.)
Being one of those, I want to explain something most don’t know… Those numbers may be because of large networks elsewhere.
I have a HUGE Twitter network. It crosses technologies, interests, and beliefs. It exists because I have been in Social Media since almost the beginning. I used to do community and social media management as a job.
When I joined Medium, it added anyone from that list as a Medium follower. Not all of them are really here, nor do I expect to ever here from them here.
Same goes for my 1000 FB friends. (That number used to be over 2000, but I have been cutting it down over the last few years.)
Of those, I connect with about 100 regularly here on Medium. I don’t ever count on more than 50 or 100 people to actually read my stuff.
I write because it is something I need to do. I read for the same reason.