I wish your friend had been more supportive. I get the pain and loss you are feeling. I wish I could make it easier. I hope you do get to see them soon.
I miss my grandkids terribly. They live (and pretty much always have lived) too far away to visit. It seems like a pattern our son learned from my side of the family. A pattern I really hate.
From second grade on, my family lived far away from both sides of the family. We got to see them occasionally. I cherished the time with my dad’s folks while we went back and forth from overseas, but after that — same pattern — too far to visit often.
When our son was growing up, he seldom saw my parents either. He knows Bruce’s mom much better than my side — we just didn’t travel often to visit my mom. (Visiting my dad was too long of a trip. Still is.)
Now, son and his family live too far away to visit — They are in Eastern Washington, we are in Los Angeles. I had hopes of visiting them when I thought I was getting approved. Now with another wait of two years, I am hoping we find a way to visit before then.