Please be careful about recommending coconut oil. It is one of the top “hidden” allergies in the world. Once the allergy starts, it doesn’t stop — in fact it accelerates. Allergies are a high price to pay for the constant use of coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and the other coconut byproducts.
As one who suffers from this allergy (and has since she was a teen), I know the risks. I have had more than my share of close calls. Unlike many allergens, coconut allergies get worse over time — whether you are in contact with them or not. What’s more, there is a genetic component to the allergy. It runs in families — sometimes without anyone knowing about it until it starts to strike.
Another problem? Coconut and palm oils created industrially don’t come from the fruit/nut, instead they come from the palm itself. Using these oils means the killing of entire palm trees just to get the oil. Mass deforestation for oil isn’t good for the planet or anyone else.