Please teach these lessons to companies that hire (or should be hiring) computer/tech support people.
I have done computer support. I have done tech support. I have done customer support. My husband still does tech support. I speak from experience. All of the following are issues we have dealt with multiple times over our careers.
Hiring devs at 100K+ and support team members at <$30 an hour pretty much guarantees you aren’t getting people who will care about making things right for the customer.
Same goes for understaffing your tech support teams. If you have tens of thousands users, a tech support team of six won’t be able to do everything (or almost anything) to keep the customers happy.
If you have one IT/computer support person for 300+ employees, that one person will burn out quickly. If you are paying them <$30 an hour while they are the only support for your companies computers, that person won’t see any reason to be kind to your employees or kind when they talk about their job.
I was/he is in the support world because we are good at it. We both love to do what we can for the people who need help. It is hard to do that when you are worrying about the 10 other people who need you right now. When you are worried about paying the bills. When you are worried about your health insurance.
A tech support person that isn’t well taken care of finds it hard to be as good at their job as they know they can be. That’s not just sad, it is demoralizing for the whole industry.